Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152221-152240 of all 180,709 gems.
152,2083,160trivial_tokensHandles tokenInput boilerplate so you don't have to
152,2083,160bigdecimal-fixThis library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class.
152,2083,160voteable_bradyLearning about making gems
152,2083,160prime_printerPrints prime at given position and multiplication table of primes
152,2083,160ptmPersonal task manager(ptm) is a command line application implemented in Ruby using Thor...
152,2083,160calc_bsepulv3An calculator implementation on ruby
152,2083,160spoiler-alert-railsSVG blur spoilers for your Rails asset pipeline
152,2283,159dooieFinds task comments in your repo and creates a list
152,2283,159em-digitaloceanDigitalOcean API EventMachine-based
152,2283,159first_gem_of_thiThis is very simple gem, just say hi to world.
152,2283,159urchinThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
152,2283,159kienaideProtect your record easily
152,2283,159orchIdeaLets cooperate
152,2283,159act_as_gamificationA rails engine to add gamification to your app. Documentation ->
152,2283,159pgpool_no_load_balanceDisable load balancing by Pgpool-II for Rails apps.
152,2283,159not_helpersNotHelpers is a simple Ruby gem that provides helper methods to make your life just a l...
152,2283,159holaHenryA simple hello world gem
152,2283,159rubotronCore gem of the Rubotron development framework.
152,2283,159just_shogiProvides a representation of a shogi game complete with rules enforcement and serialisa...
152,2283,159rspec-matchers-be_an_array_ofAn RSpec matcher that ensures expected is an array and each element is of specified type.