Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152141-152160 of all 180,554 gems.
152,1283,148yasuyoYasuyo introduces herself as an angel
152,1283,148next_weekGet DateTimes for next_monday, next_tuesday, next_wednesday etc.
152,1283,148hrqHRQ allows you to write human readable queries and translate them into real SQL. WIP, t...
152,1443,147biblio_gemGema que permite el almacenamiento de bibliografía.
152,1443,147prongProng is almost behave like ActiveSupport::Callbakcs in most of the cases. It's let you...
152,1443,147gpr-selectGpr plugin to select a repository using the interactive interface
152,1443,147jquery-onoff-railsRails wrapper for the jQuery OnOff plugin
152,1443,147krackleQuery semi-structure data from the command line.
152,1443,147diffitTrack changes in your tables using PostgreSQL triggers..
152,1443,147ardA gem to help create and organize commands in Apple Remote Desktop
152,1443,147hola_rubyA simple hello world gem
152,1443,147git-tuiGit-TUI (Git Text-based User Interface)
152,1443,147indieauth_discoveryProfile and client discovery for IndieAuth clients and providers
152,1443,147sonic-pi-akai-apc-miniUtility functions to use the Akai APC mini MIDI controller with Sonic Pi
152,1443,147omniauth-open-wechat-oauth2Using OAuth2 to authenticate wechat user in web application.
152,1443,147voteable_bubbadogA voting gem created by my team
152,1443,147iconsetA command-line interface for quickly creating the necessary icon sizes for iPhone and i...
152,1443,147seejA wrapper around the cJSON lightweight ANSI C json parsing library.
152,1443,147capistrano-spaCapistrano tasks for Single Page Apps deployment
152,1443,147tilt-preloadLoad tilt/* files according to what classes have been defined.