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Most downloads over all time
152341-152360 of all 180,671 gems.
152,3283,147rack-td_js_sdkRack middleware of auto insert td-js-sdk snippets
152,3283,147finder_tagsLibrary & utility for reading tags from
152,3283,147purplebinder-iconsWebfont icon set for Purple Binder
152,3283,147isms-rubyA gem to interface with iSMS's API ( for SMS sending.
152,3283,147simpler_navigationA Rails gem to handle navigation menus and breadcrumbs.
152,3283,147voteable_perryVoting gem for reddit-type apps.
152,3283,147tag_bearerKey value tagging gem for ActiveRecord models
152,3283,147uri_signatureA general purpose way of signing a URL when you need the signature to be added to the URL.
152,3493,146grouped_latestJust another scope to fetch the latest record with specified group.
152,3493,146unit_trustGet rates offered by Unit Trusts for further comparison or future information
152,3493,146mint_httpLike a mint breeze, MintHttp allows you to write simple HTTP requests while giving you ...
152,3493,146fluxifyWith a single command, a util, action, constant, dispatcher, store, and component will ...
152,3493,146testmachineA easy to use testing framework for Ruby
152,3493,146context_evalprovide Object#context_eval
152,3493,146yochiyochi_sawaday: sawaday's first test gem.
152,3493,146seedsowCreate a sql dump, insert data into the database, create another sql dump, then run see...
152,3493,146serverkit-goServerkit plug-in for Go package
152,3493,146lotus-postgresSQL adapter for Lotus with PostgreSQL specific additions
152,3493,146prct10Chiquito tonto el que use esta gema