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152361-152380 of all 180,681 gems.
152,3563,146context_evalprovide Object#context_eval
152,3563,146yochiyochi_sawaday: sawaday's first test gem.
152,3563,146seedsowCreate a sql dump, insert data into the database, create another sql dump, then run see...
152,3563,146serverkit-goServerkit plug-in for Go package
152,3563,146calc_fcardona2An calculator implementation on ruby
152,3563,146lotus-postgresSQL adapter for Lotus with PostgreSQL specific additions
152,3563,146prct10Chiquito tonto el que use esta gema
152,3563,146libtlsThis is a set of libtls bindings for Ruby, plus a nice object-oriented layer atop the b...
152,3563,146sluggable_jakekaadUse this to create slugs to hide parameters in your urls.
152,3703,145anthonymoralez-apn_on_railsapn_on_rails was developed by: markbates
152,3703,145omniauth-feedlyUnofficial OmniAuth strategy for Feedly
152,3703,145staticdctlCLI Client for the Staticd API service
152,3703,145graphical_editorGraphical editors allow users to edit images in the same way text editors let us modify...
152,3703,145newrelic-rodanewrelic instrument for roda
152,3703,145tennpipesContain all the tennpipes framework based gems in a system
152,3703,145hetzner-boot-freebsdAllows to reboot a physical server hosted at Hetzner into a minimal FreeBSD recscue env...
152,3703,145virtus-mapper_opp_forkMapper for Virtus attributes. See README.
152,3703,145imdb_titleExtract useful information about your favorite Movies, TV shows, Episodes, or Games ...