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Most downloads over all time
152301-152320 of all 180,681 gems.
152,2993,149initialize_withDSL for shorter shorter arguments initialization
152,2993,149hiera-yaml-arrayFork of Yaml hiera backend with support for array interpolations.
152,2993,149hola_sureshA simple hello world gem
152,2993,149mint_httpLike a mint breeze, MintHttp allows you to write simple HTTP requests while giving you ...
152,2993,149sezame-sdkPasswordless multi-factor authentication. Unlike password-based solutions that require...
152,2993,149deltalakeA placeholder for the Delta Lake ruby gem
152,2993,149SerialModemThis can interface a lot of different usb-modems
152,2993,149ruby_fall_gem_test2homework gem
152,2993,149record_encoderRecordEncoder can be chained to an activerecord relation or a class and will yield enco...
152,2993,149baloney123Write a longer description or delete this line.
152,2993,149monkey_patchesProvides new functionality to some standard classes
152,2993,149eventmachine-email_server-maildirThis provides the implementation of a user and email store for an EventMachine-based SM...
152,2993,149sluggable_jacyA gem that help build up slugs.
152,2993,149kanrenAn example Ruby implementation of μKanren.
152,3153,148subscriptor_clientA client for the subscriptor gem.
152,3153,148aniaComing soon
152,3153,148biblioalu0100815146Clase que representa una Bibliografia
152,3153,148ruboty-xaAn ruboty handler to grow the grass.
152,3153,148rumidGem for creating servers with any protocol over TCP.