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154401-154420 of all 180,543 gems.
154,3893,024embulk-parser-xpathXPath parser plugin is Embulk plugin to fetch entries in xml format use XPath.
154,3893,024svg_pan_zoomVisit for how to use.
154,3893,024rails-ioniconsIonicons for Ruby on Rails asset pipeline
154,3893,024popstar4Popstar lets you add rules to determine your rails4 models popularity.
154,3893,024transpotterGem to handle transcoding in ruby
154,3893,024google_spreadsheet_bulk_fetcherUse OAuth 2 authentication to retrieve the values of all sheets with a single API access.
154,3893,024energon-notifySend notifications.
154,3893,024fog-hwcloudThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Ali...
154,3893,024wealthforge2-rubyThe WealthForge API acts as a connection between WealthForge's back-end transaction eng...
154,3893,024active_record_lazy_find_byIt provides a simple method to make SQL execution lazy.
154,3893,024rgdaddyA gem that allows you to modify GoDaddy DNS A Records. GoDaddy active account and DNS z...
154,3893,024ramblaA simple hello world gem
154,4133,023presigner-v2This gem create unsigned url S3 with version 2 of AWS SDK for Ruby. This gem is too small
154,4133,023kar_primnopriovide the starting number and last number to get the prime numbers in between those ...
154,4133,023scanrscanR ruby client
154,4133,023ruboty-open_uriRuboty plugin to response body gived a uri.
154,4133,023json-expect-parserAn alternative JSON parser
154,4133,023jekyll-theme-buttery-biscuitA Jekyll theme that acts as a base, a buttery biscuit base.
154,4133,023comment_scannerDetects leading and trailing comment blocks in Ruby source. This may be useful for ann...
154,4133,023fusuma-plugin-thumbsensefusuma-plugin-thumbsense is Fusuma plugin for thumbsense.