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154381-154400 of all 180,507 gems.
154,3733,021embulk-parser-xpathXPath parser plugin is Embulk plugin to fetch entries in xml format use XPath.
154,3733,021svg_pan_zoomVisit for how to use.
154,3733,021simpler_navigationA Rails gem to handle navigation menus and breadcrumbs.
154,3733,021fog-hwcloudThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Ali...
154,3733,021active_record_lazy_find_byIt provides a simple method to make SQL execution lazy.
154,3733,021rgdaddyA gem that allows you to modify GoDaddy DNS A Records. GoDaddy active account and DNS z...
154,3733,021ramblaA simple hello world gem
154,3883,020megam_htmlentitiesA module for encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities.
154,3883,020microbosh_hackerPCF likes to hide some features. This peice of software lets you to enable email notifi...
154,3883,020apigeeA developer can create a new Rails app, build out the database schema and have an API t...
154,3883,020motion-dateThis is RubyMotion library which provides methods of Date/DateTime/Time which are same ...
154,3883,020xumlidotGenerates XMI and DOT files for Ruby and Rails Class Diagrams
154,3883,020meadowDefine fields in ActiveRecord models
154,3883,020metabroomA new broom sweeps clean. Build extensible, modern, and open command line applications ...
154,3883,020ruboty-open_uriRuboty plugin to response body gived a uri.
154,3883,020json-expect-parserAn alternative JSON parser
154,3883,020comment_scannerDetects leading and trailing comment blocks in Ruby source. This may be useful for ann...
154,3883,020noflyWhen we send communications to users it is usually in response to an event. Users often...
154,3883,020darmani_game81A Darmani game
154,3883,020ensoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.