Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154361-154380 of all 180,507 gems.
154,3563,022lita-twitTwitter handler
154,3563,022tabajara_calculatorEssa gem soma nĂºmeros legais.
154,3563,022wsato_gemneighbor library search gem
154,3563,022rails_autosize_jqueryAutosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit ...
154,3563,022rails_inspectorRails inspection
154,3563,022fluent-plugin-downcase-keysFluentd output plugin. Downcases all keys and re-emit the records.
154,3563,022enotasEnotas ruby gem
154,3563,022sul_orcid_clientThis provides API interaction with the ORCID API
154,3563,022rails-ioniconsIonicons for Ruby on Rails asset pipeline
154,3563,022transpotterGem to handle transcoding in ruby
154,3563,022rubodiffDiff the rubocop output between two github branches
154,3563,022factorial_operationsProvides the following methods: * Calculate * FactorialToS
154,3733,021bejarBejar cli tools
154,3733,021flickskiwiMovies Gem practice 1
154,3733,021voteable_kriscoThe best voting gem ever.
154,3733,021jobiJobi provides a full interaction between your app/micro-service and message brokers.
154,3733,021scanrscanR ruby client
154,3733,021tester_dudeA simple hello world gem
154,3733,021jksA simple wrapper for keytool to read JKS files in ruby.
154,3733,021sepshortener_clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.