Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182341-182360 of all 182,407 gems.
182,341146honeycomb-opentelemetryHoneycomb's OpenTelemetry Ruby extras
182,341146canvas_loginThis gem provides a comprehensive solution for implementing login functionality in Ruby...
182,343145simple_json_schema_builderBuild JSON Schema with simple ruby code, with objects and clean DSL.
182,343145rosetta-railsUnobstrusive Internationalization solution for Rails applications.
182,346144jekyll-text-theme-forkA super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, document...
182,347143fastlane-plugin-appcircle_enterprise_app_storeEfficiently publish your apps to Appcircle Enterprise Store
182,347143tachymeterRails benchmarking tool.
182,347143gitlab-topology-service-clientClient library to interact with Topology Service for GitLab Cells architecture
182,350141xrxr gem is a domain specific language for the regular expression (Regexp) like the rx pa...
182,350141microappMicroapp is novel way to host micro applications in a single file
182,352138db-migrate-xDatabase migrations.
182,353136dry-operation_generators-rspecWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,353136catppuccinA Ruby gem providing the Catppuccin color palette.
182,353136jd-paperclip-azurePaperclip-Azure is a Paperclip storage driver for storing files in a Microsoft Azure Blob
182,353136randamuRandom data generator
182,357135google-apis-oracledatabase_v1This is the simple REST client for Oracle Database@Google Cloud API V1. Simple REST cli...
182,358133losaris the Bhutanese New Year, and this gem is dedicated to spreading joy and celebration. ...
182,358133pghero_assetsRun PgHero without asset pipeline.
182,358133gamefic-whatA Gamefic extension for expanding commands with an additional argument