Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182381-182400 of all 182,407 gems.
182,381106asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kai_gen_gothic-exWaining: This is an unofficial extended support of asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kai_gen_gothic. ...
182,382105dotodoto is ruby gem that enables anyone to record, keep track of and manage their daily TO...
182,383102phlex-variantsEasily define and manage style variants for Phlex components, allowing flexible and dyn...
182,384100stimulus_builder-railsAdd Stimulus attributes using a nicer Ruby syntax.
182,38599platenCreate projects and components from laps
182,38698rubyreleaserRelease RubyGems with ease
182,38698chime-concurrentThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,38897domainic-boundaryComing Soon
182,38897jekyll-cooklang-converterA simple Jekyll Converter that maps .cook files to HTML
182,38897rom-encrypted_attributeEncrypted attributes for ROM
182,39196legal_entity`legal_entity` represents, in your system, the legally recognized entity, according to ...
182,39295multiplayerQuickly add presence, cursor chat and more to your Rails app.
182,39393domaincopComing Soon
182,39393tencentcloud-sdk-caTencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby deve...
182,39592rails-dynamic-param-filterRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
182,39691domainic-supportA toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Domainic fra...
182,39790google-cloud-sqlPlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-sql. This placeholder is be...
182,39887google-cloud-sql-v1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-sql-v1. This placeholder is...
182,39980llm-cliUse ChatGPT to write your shell commands
182,40076minigunA lightweight framework for rapid-fire batch job processing.