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Most downloads over all time
182361-182380 of all 182,407 gems.
182,358133vendaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,362131test-mapTrack files that are covered by test files to execute only the necessary tests.
182,363128bio-samtools-wrapperWrapper of samtools for ruby. This project was born from the need to add support of...
182,364127sbmt-pactIt is a powerful Ruby gem designed to streamline Pact testing in microservice architect...
182,364127gunterGunter is a CLI tool to generate projects from templates.
182,366126single_increase_byPerform single_increase_by operation
182,366126rfc-readerSearch for and read RFCs at the command line.
182,368124rotsRuby OpenID Test Server (ROTS) provides a basic OpenID server made in top of the Rack g...
182,368124spectator_sportDescription of SpectatorSport.
182,368124layered_stack-nextjsNextJS tools for Layered Stack
182,371123contabo-clientA Ruby library for managing Contabo instances programmatically. Easily create, cancel, ...
182,372122rspec_pacmanThis is a Gem that makes the display while running RSpec look like Pacman.
182,373121hyper_cardHyper Card for Ruby
182,374120tp-language_listA list of languages based upon ISO-639-1 and ISO-639-3 with functions to retrieve only ...
182,374120airbasedRuby interface to the Airtable’s API.
182,376118flecksRender IO-bound content asynchronously in Phlex.
182,377115delicateA headless CMS, a work in progress.
182,378112asimov.rbAsimov Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby
182,378112logstash-logger-pRuby logger that writes directly to LogStash
182,380107domainic-commandComing Soon