Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4521-4540 of all 183,722 gems.
4,521761activerecord6-redshift-adapterAmazon Redshift adapter for ActiveRecord 6.x.
4,521761activejob-retryactivejob-retry provides automatic retry functionality for failed ActiveJobs, with ...
4,521761right_http_connectionRightscale::HttpConnection is a robust HTTP/S library. It implements a retry algorithm...
4,524760era_jaConvert to Japanese era.
4,524760victorBuild SVG images with ease
4,524760trailblazer-developerDeveloper tools for Trailblazer: debugger, activity visualizer and tracing.
4,527759caracalCaracal is a pure Ruby Microsoft Word generation library that produces professional qua...
4,528758nprogress-railsThis is a gem for the rstacruz' nprogress implementation. It's based on version nprogre...
4,529757prorateCan be used to implement all kinds of throttles
4,529757swagger_autogenerateGenerating Swagger YAML Automatically Based on Existing Test Cases in Ruby on Rails
4,531756rails-autoscale-coreAutoscaling for Ruby.
4,532755stub_envRSpec helper for stubbing ENV values
4,532755rspec-givenGiven is an RSpec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology when def...
4,534754spreadsheet_architectSpreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh...
4,534754danger-packwerkDanger plugin for packwerk.
4,536753prmdscaffold, verify and generate docs from JSON Schema
4,536753mandrill-apiDeprecated. Replaced by MailchimpTransactional - A Ruby API library for the Mandrill em...
4,538752mdlessA CLI that provides a formatted and highlighted view of Markdown files in a terminal
4,538752async-redisA Redis client library.
4,538752activerecord-refresh_connectionRefresh ActiveRecord connection on each rack request.