Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4521-4540 of all 184,353 gems.
4,520918mail_formSend e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and reques...
4,522917tabuloPlain text table generator with a column-based API
4,522917hcl-checkerHashicorp Configuration Language parser and checker for Ruby
4,522917ruby-plsqlruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It coul...
4,525916did_you_meanThe gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014.
4,525916fastlane-plugin-get_version_codeGet the version code of anAndroid project. This action will return the version code of ...
4,525916hotwire_comboboxAn accessible autocomplete for Ruby on Rails apps using Hotwire.
4,528915rdf-normalizeRDF::Normalize performs Dataset Canonicalization for RDF.rb.
4,529914snitcherSimple API client for deadmanssnitch.com
4,529914mini_portileSimplistic port-like solution for developers. It provides a standard and simplified way...
4,531913rack-headers_filterThe goal of this gem is to avoid depending on potentially forgeable headers down th...
4,532912tty-editorOpen a file or text in a preferred terminal text editor.
4,533911rprogramRProgram is a library for creating wrappers around command-line programs. RProgram prov...
4,533911psenvLoad AWS SSM Parameter Store values into your environment.
4,533911after_doafter_do is a gem that let's you execute a block of your choice after or before a speci...
4,533911ebnfEBNF is a Ruby parser for W3C EBNF and a parser generator for PEG and LL(1). Also inclu...
4,537910screen-recorderA Ruby gem to video record and take screenshots of your desktop or specific applicatio...
4,537910fluent-plugin-azure-storage-append-blob-ltsFluentd plugin to upload logs to Azure Storage append blobs. Fork of https://github.com...
4,537910strongdmstrongDM Ruby Library for automating interactions with strongDM.
4,540907yaml_vaultyaml encryption/decryption helper.