Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5001-5020 of all 184,353 gems.
4,997706rails_cursor_paginationThis library is an implementation of cursor pagination for ActiveRecord relations. Wher...
4,997706travisCLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI
5,003705rex-javaRuby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing Java serialized streams.
5,004704zbarRuby bindings for ZBar, a barcode recognition library. Uses FFI to interact with the un...
5,004704multiblockRuby methods can accept only one block at a time. Multiblock helps to build multiple-bl...
5,004704file_existsFile.exists? and Dir.exists? were deprecated in Ruby 3.2. If you still need these metho...
5,007703trailblazer-railsConvenient Rails support for Trailblazer.
5,008702rakismetRakismet is the easiest way to integrate Akismet or TypePad's AntiSpam into your Rails ...
5,008702wpscanWPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.
5,008702danger-slatherDanger plugin to Slather code coverage framework
5,008702dipDIP - Docker Interaction Process.CLI tool for better development experience when intera...
5,008702drydockBuild seaworthy command-line apps like a Captain with a powerful Ruby DSL.
5,008702rex-registryRuby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing offline registry files from a Windows machine
5,014700createsendImplements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API.
5,015699legatoAccess the Google Analytics Core Reporting and Management APIs with Ruby. Create models...
5,015699rex-struct2Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating/manipulating C-Style structs
5,017698crowdin-apiThe Crowdin Ruby Client is used to interact with the Crowdin API from Ruby
5,017698php-serializeThis module provides two methods: PHP.serialize() and PHP.unserialize(), both of whic...
5,019697dry-filesfile utilities
5,019697google-apis-site_verification_v1This is the simple REST client for Google Site Verification API V1. Simple REST clients...