Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
61-80 of all 183,459 gems.
61168,804nio4rNew IO for Ruby
62167,320loofahLoofah is a general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fr...
63166,507method_sourceretrieve the sourcecode for a method
64166,400activejobDeclare job classes that can be run by a variety of queuing backends.
65166,331actionmailerEmail on Rails. Compose, deliver, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pa...
66166,070railtiesRails internals: application bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks.
67165,248mime-typesThe mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME conte...
68165,233rack-testRack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps. It can be used on its own or a...
69164,619faraday-multipartPerform multipart-post requests using Faraday.
70161,459rails-html-sanitizerHTML sanitization for Rails applications
71160,918faraday-retryCatches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times.
72160,380multi_xmlProvides swappable XML backends utilizing LibXML, Nokogiri, Ox, or REXML.
73160,089net-smtpSimple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby.
74159,690mime-types-datamime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME media type definitions. ...
75159,560actioncableStructure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...
76157,535railsRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
77157,268activestorageAttach cloud and local files in Rails applications.
78157,264rspecBDD for Ruby
79155,579domain_nameThis is a Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby. It can also be used for cookie do...
80154,706globalidURIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around.