Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
101-120 of all 180,392 gems.
101240,763faraday-exconFaraday adapter for Excon
102235,203faraday-net_http_persistentFaraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent
103234,547timeoutAuto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby.
104232,355simplecovCode coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c...
105232,338terminal-tableSimple, feature rich ascii table generation library
106229,120docileDocile treats the methods of a given ruby object as a DSL (domain specific language) wi...
107228,493sprockets-railsSprockets Rails integration
108228,142google-apis-coreCommon utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients
109226,639simplecov-htmlDefault HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
110224,924httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
111224,790rack-protectionProtect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails
112223,217pgPg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. It works with PostgreSQL 9.3 and later.
113220,596byebugByebug is a Ruby debugger. It's implemented using the TracePoint C API for executio...
114219,453rb-fseventFSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa)
115219,178unf_extUnicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
116218,692faraday-em_httpFaraday adapter for Em::Http
117218,591faraday-em_synchronyFaraday adapter for EM::Synchrony
118216,325hashieHashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.
119216,076faraday-httpclientFaraday adapter for HTTPClient
120215,093faraday-patronFaraday adapter for Patron