Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
81-100 of all 182,583 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
81 | 278,164 | rails | Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust... |
82 | 277,989 | websocket-extensions | Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections |
83 | 276,632 | actioncable | Structure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con... |
84 | 274,587 | coderay | Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby. Comes with R... |
85 | 272,933 | activestorage | Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications. |
86 | 270,307 | faraday-retry | Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times. |
87 | 269,126 | msgpack | MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exc... |
88 | 260,501 | actionmailbox | Receive and process incoming emails in Rails applications. |
89 | 260,388 | actiontext | Edit and display rich text in Rails applications. |
90 | 258,211 | marcel | Simple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and extensions |
91 | 254,863 | pry | Pry is a runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capa... |
92 | 253,774 | googleauth | Implements simple authorization for accessing Google APIs, and provides support for App... |
93 | 252,085 | dotenv | Loads environment variables from `.env`. |
94 | 251,133 | faraday-multipart | Perform multipart-post requests using Faraday. |
95 | 249,324 | signet | Signet is an OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation. |
96 | 249,046 | httpclient | gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby |
97 | 248,280 | timeout | Auto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby. |
98 | 248,194 | google-protobuf | Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format. |
99 | 245,792 | bootboot | This gem remove the overhead of monkeypatching your Gemfile in order to dualboot your a... |
100 | 244,928 | logger | Provides a simple logging utility for outputting messages. |