Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142561-142580 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870twilio-test-toolkit2Better integration tests for apps that use Twilio
135,8870authgasmRails authentication done right
135,8870rubymotion-observerA RubyMotion compatible version of Ruby's 'observer' lib
135,8870smashrunImplements authentication, reading and writing for the Smashrun API (http://smashrun.com)
135,8870authlogic_pwned_passwordsLeverages the Pwned Password API to determine if a password has been seen in public dat...
135,8870solidus_favorite_productsThis extension adds the following features: 1. Adds a link Mark as favorite on product ...
135,8870vagrant-reverse_sambaSets up a 'reverse samba share' with a local vagrant instance. This allows the Vagrant ...
135,8870artemis-api_authNet::HTTP adapter that adds Api Auth authentication for Artemis GraphQL Client
135,8870tony_correia_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
135,8870sanity_testerHelps Rails app to run sanity test
135,8870better-initialize# better-initialize A friendlier, dependency-free initialize method for ruby objects. ...
135,8870spree_pay_cash_on_deliveryThis extension adds Cash on delivery payment method to Spree
135,8870authn-activationThe plugin library for AuthN and Rails
135,8870rl_hiya_kryptyk_fyshA gem quivalent of Hello World.
135,8870tag_dogThis friendly dog gives you tags in your rails app.
135,8870chupa-text-decomposer-libreoffice-excelThis is a ChupaText decomposer plugin to extract text and meta-data from Microsoft Exce...
135,8870stripe_railsStripe Rails was built on top of the official stripe gem to bring ease of use of stripe...
135,8870trofimaFull description here
135,8870blood_contracts-instrumentationAdds instrumentation to BloodContracts refinement types
135,8870coinsimplecoinsimple ruby API