Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142481-142500 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382dm-actionstampsA DataMapper plugin that works similar to the dm-timestamps in that it 'automagically' ...
110,0382traceloop-sdkTraceloop Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby
110,0382chaos_scenarioGenerate random scenarios or plots.
110,0382make10Solve Make10 problem.
110,0382jekyll-paginatorEasy to use Pagination Generator for Jekyll with multiple pages support.
110,0382mg2enConvert MacGourmet plist export format to Evernote import format
110,0382legend_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,0382dreamcatcherCatch exceptions and send email notifications with context.
110,0382rack-pagespeed-forkWeb page speed optimizations at the Rack level - fork
110,0382ez_tableCreate Table easily for Rails app
110,0382bsielski_control_flowA couple of classes for organizing objects in simple data flow structures (conditional ...
110,0382fastlane-plugin-hello_gem_kimjghello gem kimjg
110,0382markdown_tableThis library generate it easy to create Markdown table like CSV library.
110,0382maser-resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
110,0382masover-net-irca ruby implementation of the IRC client protocol
110,0382mattbauer-bdbA Ruby interface to BerkeleyDB
110,0382fkWrite a longer description. Optional.
110,0382jquery_bbq_railsjQuery BBQ leverages the HTML5 hashchange event to allow simple, yet powerful bookmarka...
110,0382cleanrpcZero-dependency RPC for Bitcoin Core in Ruby.