Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142541-142560 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051programmable-rc_actionsBetter actions for resources_controller plugin.
103,2051larsklevan-attachment_fu_app_engineExtension for AttachmentFu (http://github.com/technoweenie/attachment_fu) which uses th...
103,2051gharpay_apiGharpay Cash on Delivery API integration
103,2051erlapiSearchable erlang api generator
103,2051ses_blacklist_railsHandling SES notifications like Bounce or Complaint.
103,2051rockstar-rubyRockstar-Ruby transpiler gem
103,2051lmb-developersGem to consume APIs available at Leroy Merlin Brazil Developer's Portal https://develop...
103,2051mycashflowA simple client for the MyCashflow API
103,2051easy_audio_sequencerI took the sample sequencer code from lsegal's easy_audio gem and created a gem out of it.
103,2051oekakiA simple drawing module with GTK+
103,2051hola_hangboA simple hello world gem
103,2051sg_node_mapperMap social networking sites' URLs to and from a canonical form.
103,2051pixel_curtainGenerate beautiful backgrounds from images
103,2051purzelrakete-boomloopboomloop is a kick-ass event platform.
103,2051customresource-route53An action command for aws-cfn-resource-bridge to implement CloudFormation custom resources
103,2051durga_zanec_mathMath Utilities with prime, fibonacci, arthemtic progressions test
103,2051hops-airborneRSpec driven API testing framework - LogicalClocks maintained fork
103,2051rbgooeyGUI library for the Rubygame library
103,2051hash-proxyAn object that proxies method calls to a Hash object as hash key lookups. Handles neste...
103,2051personal_blogPersonalBlog adds a responsive and completely customizable single-user blog to any Ruby...