Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142521-142540 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800atech-billyEasy to use client library for Billy
102,5800ryan_sample_gempractice gemfile
102,5800payhere-sdkRiley Digital Services Payhere API Client for Ruby
102,5800simple_tablerSimple Tabler helps you to make a table in Terminal
102,5800the-exhibitionistA list of some of the current show in NYC, organized by closing date, so you never miss...
102,5800nokogireaderDSL for parsing xml using Nokogiri::XML::Reader
102,5800signetifySimple module that accepts token and return Authorization for Google
102,5800snowflake-rbsnowflake ruby impl
102,5800sumhashProvides summation operation to Hash and OpenStruct. Works with nested structures.
102,5800roadtripThis is a quick little gem that uses Google Maps to determine the distance, duration an...
102,5800radiant-eventbrite-extensionProvides a few Radius Tags to access data from the EventBrite API
102,5800poignantPoignant is a toolkit for natural language processing in Ruby.
102,5800roscThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
102,5800norwegian_national_id_parserA simple gem for parsing a norwegian national id number
102,5800renuo-cliThe Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...
102,5800rwdziparubyslippersrubyslippers is frontend for the RubyGems system using rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs. Re...
102,5800rspec_gemInvoke the tests rspec from gems in application rails.
102,5800secure_escrowSecureEscrow provides a content proxy for Rails applications allowing POSTing to secure...
102,5800attr_translateRails concern for ActiveRecord attribute translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype.
102,5800rockthevoteA ruby gem for RockTheVote's Rocky API.