Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153241-153260 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051Nessus6Gem for interacting with the Tenable Nessus 6 REST API.
103,2051netd_mngrcnetd is a small userspace server that allows for cnet to request port forwards and oth...
103,2051rpv_coreA simple, modular framework for implementing the Passive View pattern. This pattern des...
103,2051msp_ruby_studio_gameGame using basic ruby techniques
103,2051lolxinSavage memes can't melt playoff dreams
103,2051rhino.mocksA dynamic mock object framework for the .Net platform. It's purpose is to ease testing ...
103,2051moro-scope_donamed_scope utilities.
103,2051simple_faqEasily create FAQ documents using Markdown and a few specilaized tags.
103,2051multibase-railsMultibase provides support for Rails to manage several databases ...
103,2051pull-requestAutomatically create PRs for GitHub Flow
103,2051MSAbundanceSimSimulate protein abundances given FASTA files.
103,2051homework_reportThe utility program can help create reports in HTML format. It supports ERB, Haml, Slim...
103,2051goosiRuby toolkit for the Google Assistant API
103,2051nodesLightweight editor of text nodes
103,2051palmtreeCollection of Capistrano recipes
103,2051hola_mikestephensA simple hello world gem
103,2051icomoon-railsIcoMoon is an icon set rendered by css font-face way. This gem integrates IcoMoon with ...
103,2051merb_comatosePartial Port of Comatose with focus on rendering from Comatose Pages (no admin yet)
103,2051resque-crashlogA handler for Resque's failure backend that will send exceptions through to crashlog.io...
103,2051shinkansenSpin up well-configured Rails apps in minutes rather than hours.