Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153301-153320 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910bitwizardRuby library for controlling the BitWizard boards over SPI and I2C
151,8910cartodb-apiCartoDB::Api is an API wrapper for CartoDB written in Ruby
151,8910calc_mzabala1An calculator implementation on ruby
151,8910edrEntity Data-object Repository framework
151,8910firstgemfirst gem description
151,8910bzip2-ruby-rb20Ruby C bindings to libbzip2.
151,8910easy_validateEasy Validate
151,8910e_pluribus_enumI like symbols in my code, and integers in my database. I also like to control the symb...
151,8910extendi-instagramA Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
151,8910devise_couch_potatothis gem enables devise for couch_potato models
151,8910capistrano-migeorge-formatterA compact custom formatter for capistrano 3
151,8910digitalocean_cRuby bindings for the Digital Ocean API.
151,8910duplicate_itA simple gem to duplicate a model instance, including its 'has_many' assocaitions. Adde...
151,8910capuchinJekyll for email newsletters
151,8910document-storeThis wrapper provides a minimalistic interfaced to document-based databases. It include...
151,8910capistrano-mysql_adminCapistrano 3 Task to create a mysql database. Useful for dev boxes
151,8910dialmycalls_clientThis gem maps to the DialMyCalls API
151,8910sensu-plugins-Check (standalone) if a certain ip is reachable. If not reset the network interface and...