Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153261-153280 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051gracefullyensures features gracefully degrade based on error rate or turnaround time.
103,2051magicbrokerThe MAGIC-Broker-2 gem
103,2051indexterChecks databases tables for indexes on foreign keys.
103,2051miniflowA very small tool to help you execute workflows
103,2051disable_sectionUI helper that disables an entire section with its inner html elements based on a given...
103,2051nl-anxnl-anx is a rubygem which interfaces directly with the ANXBTC.com API. This is unoffici...
103,2051lgtm_hdRender LGTM image or fetch randomly from LGTM.in. Live Terminal Preview. Smart text...
103,2051slipProxy tool with javascript injections
103,2051gitlinkOpen GitHub projects from the command line
103,2051lolcommits-tumblrA simple plugin to post lolcommits to your Tumblr. Configure it with a Tumblr access ...
103,2051ivy-serializers-railsRails integration for ivy-serializers.
103,2051kawaii-coreKawaii is a simple web framework based on Rack
103,2051port-authorityHighly opinionated PaaS based on Docker Swarm and ETCD
103,2051pretty_rubySyntax improvements and other useful methods for ruby
103,2051peatio-cpuchainCPUchain Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...
103,2051git-hello20130919gem test desc
103,2051jonesan2_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
103,2051sensu-checks-varnishsensu gem to get varnish metrics. Uses plain data out of varnish. Supports sudo. Suppor...
103,2051jekyll-code-block-linenos'jekyll-code-block-linenos' can replace 3-backticks code-block including keyword 'linen...
103,2051proutilsProUtils is a collect of handy command line tools. Think of it as a supplement to the u...