Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153321-153340 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090grumpymapperMore versatile, XPath-based one-way version of HappyMapper
142,2090honest_pubsubPub sub gem for Honest Company
142,2090mikoshiMikoshi is a tool that deploy to ECS and manage task definition and cluster.
142,2090midwife-clientA ruby wrapper for the Midwife HTTP API
142,2090fluent-plugin-amqp-sboagibmAMQP input/output plugin for fluentd
142,2090motion-pinyintranslate chinese hanzi to pinyin.
142,2090MagicViperCreates all the files and setup required for Viper Architecture in iOS.
142,2090manifold_mockAn easy tool to generate your templates in just one command. Choose from different kind...
142,2090md_simple_editorSimple editor for markdown and rails
142,2090kryoA quick and easy way to generate static sites
142,2090ga_verifyProvides a unix socket for validating tokens
142,2090google-chrome-clientRuby client of Google Chrome Developer Tools Protocol
142,2090lambda_vault_authA library for authenticating a lambda function against Hashicorp Vault via AWS as an au...
142,2090has_vimeo_videoAdds video URL validation and API integration for using Vimeo on ActiveRecord models
142,2090less_curseLessCurse is a ncurses abstraction layer for terminal-based user interfaces.
142,2090muinaUseful parent classes for the Rails missing parts
142,2090intia-themeA accessible focused design by INTIA, created to be used as an Jekyll theme using Bulma...
142,2090kacademicAcademic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.
142,2090marble_gateSimple ruby authorization library.
142,2090jmenu-railsjMenu jquery plugin for rails