Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153701-153720 of all 180,359 gems.
121,9900beanstalkappOfficial wrapper for Beanstalk API.
121,9900bluecoatA bundle of functions for accessing Blue Coat Appliances. I.e. Reporter, ProxySG, etc.
121,9900ximvim-clone text editor
121,9900eccoMySQL replication binlog parser using mysql-binlog-connector-java.
121,9900darmani_game86A Darmani game
121,9900dragonfly-mongoid_data_storeDragonfly data store that uses Mongoid::GridFs.
121,9900tataraSimple type declaration lib
121,9900stash-wavesLet me crash here for a moment.
121,9900dfbA description of your project
121,9900bjreath-ciscoRuby gem for interacting with Cisco routers via telnet
121,9900bmkiefer_mega_lottoTesting Out How to Release to Ruby Gems
121,9900cronos_chain_scannerAn unofficial simple gem For Cronos Chain API
121,9900cli-tablePrint 2d array into a pretty table. https://github.com/MrBocch/cli-table
121,9900dragoon_systempersonal suit, you can see test suit in induction_cannon_01
121,9900active_interactorSimple use case interactor for Rails apps based on ActiveModel
121,9900ad_manAn advertising manager mountable engine
121,9900dropcasterDropcaster is a podcast feed generator for the command line. It is most simple to use w...
121,9900bootstrap-tabdrop-railsbootstrap-tabdrop plugin packaged as a Rails engine
121,9900sprangularSpree frontend using angular.js
121,9900sundawg_geonames_clientRuby client interface to all and future RESTful geo-services provided by geonames.org.