Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153761-153780 of all 180,459 gems.
132,0350trellodonThe main purpose of Trellodon is to make it possible to backup Trello boards to file sy...
132,0350biblio_alu0100845235es crear y ordenar todas tus referencias bibliograficas
132,0350lita-rubygems-webhooksA Lita plugin to register and receive RubyGems webhooks
132,0350ruby-plinoRuby client for Plino https://plino.herokuapp.com/
132,0350whats_up_docProvides a low-level up route for load balancers. Useful for injecting before loggin, s...
132,0350no_more_pending_migrationsPut `rake db:migrate` on auto-pilot
132,0350is-monkeyThe set of monkey-patching.
132,0350product_railsA simple product representation for Rails applications.
132,0350net_http_wrapperWraps Net::HTTP requests e.g. for logging purposes.
132,0350contestifyGem to prepare internal programming contests taking problems from the COCI contests.
132,0350coinqueryUses the Coingecko API. Inspired by the coingecko_client gem
132,0350lego-hamlA lego plugin for rendering haml
132,0350whatnotFast constraint solver with user-friendly API
132,0350killbill-catalog-ruby-pluginKill Bill Plugin to illustrate the use of the Catalog Plugin api.
132,0350acts_as_scdSCD models have identities and multiple time-limited iterations (revisions) per identity
132,0350pebblescape-receiverReceives git pushes and deploys them to pebblescape
132,0350rocketleagueRocket League API
132,0350schegeneasier way to create model files
132,0350availabilityUse modular arithmetic and residue classes to calculate schedule availability for dates...
132,0350math_inputThis gem allows perform mathematical operations in the field.