Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153741-153760 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380lyricfySong Lyrics for your Ruby apps
89,5380dotenv-androidIt is said to be good practice when you configure your app with a .env file. This libra...
89,5380jstree-rails-4-rivscjsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. It is absolutely free, open s...
89,5380mongoid-bulk-importValidate bulk insert in mongoid
89,5380ruby-stylesGem containing the rubocop.yml config that corresponds to the implementation of the sty...
89,5380rubbrBuild LaTeX documents.
89,5380hanami-scaffoldMake scaffolds faster
89,5380motion-loggerA thin wrapper of CocoaLumberjack for RubyMotion.
89,5380search-pluginHachecked version of lunr-js-search-plugin
89,5380image-dumperA dumper to download whole galleries from board like 4chan, imagebam, mangaeden, devian...
89,5380emf_jrubyEMF support for JRuby
89,5380landescapeA library for handling escape sequence
89,5380segfaultHelper to abort your ruby script execution
89,5380me2text-rubyme2text is text format for me2day posting. me2text-ruby is ruby library to convert me2t...
89,5380ngramdistance-ffiProvides a fast, cross-Ruby implementation of the ngramdistance distance algorithm.
89,5380spree_promo_flat_order_total_percentIt allows to provide free order means 100% discount on order total
89,5380pipelyGenerate dependency graphs from pipeline definitions.
89,5380rubygems_heraldThis project has been renamed to Museum. This version has been abandoned and remains he...
89,5380gametime-helperChecks localization, tracking events, etc
89,5380pieces_of_flairpieces of flair will grab some ascii art