Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153921-153940 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380httmultipartymagicHTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.
89,5380frameableA simple library for framing and branding images on top of ImageMagick
89,5380rubobotRuns RuboCop Auto-correct for the cop with the lowest offense count, making it easier t...
89,5380solargraph-arcAwesome Rails Completions for solargraph
89,5380tippsyA gem for generating tip values based on the number of inputs
89,5380rspec_test_dataCreate complex sets of test data using factories to allow re-use across tests or in see...
89,5380powrSimple Rack process management
89,5380gitwrabgit command wrabper
89,5380demelerThis gem takes your ruby input, plus an object such as a Sequel::Model object, and gene...
89,5380solidus_respondersRemoving responders out of solidus core
89,5380enviableProvides higher-level access to Configuration stored in the Environment
89,5380rocco_railsRocco gem for rails
89,5380rack_gridRack helper for presenting MongoDB GridFS Files
89,5380random_ipsumA randomized embedded lorem ipsum generator that can generate words, sentences, or para...
89,5380hola_johanA simple hello gem
89,5380sidekiq-web-workersLightweight Job runner from sidekiq web ui
89,5380prelands_railsКод, занимающийся валидацией и публикацией прелендов V4.
89,5380permalink_mongo_mapperMake permalink use for mongo mapper
89,5380pgpool-pcpwrapperA PGPool PCP interface wrapper.
89,5380middleman-foxycartFoxyCart helpers for Middleman static sites