Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153841-153860 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450jekyll-generator-sktA simple generator for Jekyll content
91,6450rps2000_gemIt plays rock paper scissors.
91,6450identitynow_rule_validatorA tool to validate IdentityNow rules.
91,6450tmak-selenium_server_jarA wrapper gem for the selenium server jar
91,6450rob-gordon"What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, o...
91,6450mass_assignment_backportThis is a simple mass-assignment security module loosely based on ActiveModel::Mass...
91,6450jekyll-theme-html5up-editorial"Editorial" theme from html5up.net. ported to jekyll theme format
91,6450foundation-formbuilder-railsThis is a custom FormBuilder used to display form elements generated by the `form_for` ...
91,6450speedflow-plugin-flowdockA Speedflow plugin to work with Flowdock.
91,6450parallel2Parallel#each and Parallel#map are using Celluloid::Future
91,6450it_toolstasks include checking in all of my repositories either internal or externally
91,6450telecasterMultiplexing HTTP proxy for decoupled inter-service notifications
91,6450sarbFramework for em-websocket that uses actions and triggers for real-time communication w...
91,6450lawrencepit-remarkable_paperclipRemarkable matchers for Paperclip.
91,6450lifen_fhirLifen FHIR API Ruby client
91,6450martinemde-is_taggabletagging that doesn't want to be on steroids. it's skinny and happy to stay that way.
91,6450toholio-nickel-silver-serverLocoNet over TCP server written in ruby.
91,6450rbgmsHello world!
91,6450smart_cookie_storeEnhanced Rails CookieStore
91,6450hello-mamaA gem that says hello mama!