Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154841-154860 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700imbaWith Imba you can manage your movies by meta information (like rating, genre, year) fro...
38,9700sms_serialReads SMS messages from a serial connection to an Arduino compatible board which uses a...
38,9700tac_scribeWrite Tacview data to PostGIS database
38,9700ractor-wrapperAn experimental class that wraps a non-shareable object, allowing multiple Ractors to a...
38,9700hyperresource-aptibleHyperResource is a hypermedia client library for Ruby. Its goals are to interface ...
38,9700premailer-plusMiscellaneous improvements and fixes to Alex Dunae's Premailer gem
38,9700http_trackerA simple and modular rack middleware to track http requests
38,9700omniauth-qqOmniAuth strategies for TQQ and QQ Connect).
38,9700billdFor those times when you need to control something based on the status of your build
38,9700rails-subdomainSome convenience methods making subdomains in Rails a whole lot easier.
38,9700jenkinsonJenkinson helps in installation of jenkins plugins
38,9700update_requestRails engine for allowing approvable resource updates that support file uploads
38,9700tip_ranks_forecastA Ruby gem that queries TipRanks forecasts and analyst consensuses
38,9700mac-spotlightSpotlight - Ruby interface to Mac OSX Spotlight
38,9700cosmosc2-tool-handbooksThis plugin adds the COSMOS Handbooks tool
38,9700gentooboontoo-ruby-netcdfRubyNetCDF is the Ruby interface to the NetCDF library built on the NArray library, whi...
38,9700studio-game-by-zsoloA simple command line game created as a guided project for the Pragmatic Studio Ruby co...
38,9700gentooboontoo-ruby-fftw3Fast Fourier Transforms by using FFTW Ver.3
38,9700knife-pkgA plugin for chef's knife to manage package updates