Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154881-154900 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171rspec-encoding-matchersRSpec matchers for Ruby 1.9 string encodings.
147,2171workpilecreate subprocess by pipe. manage that.
147,2171cm-state_machineAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
147,2171salt-matrixTool to build salt environments from various sources
147,2171rspec-preloader-hanamiLife is too short to be waiting for your tests to load.
147,2171pnccs"Just test it!"
147,2171terracycleA Ruby wrapper for the Terracycle REST APIs
147,2171sunspot_cellThis gem adds Cell support (for indexing rich documents) to Sunspot
147,2171rfelix-jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
147,2171portlyThis library exposes information from the IANA Service Name and Transport Portocolo Por...
147,2171eliassen_view_toolProvides HTML data for Rails applications
147,2171rubinius-codeA suite of tools for working with code on the Rubinius language platform.
147,2171picturefill_railsRails wrapper for picturefill.
147,2171rails-auth-githubA simple Rails engine to authorize users against github oauth.
147,2171yahoo_ads_estimatesRails plugin for querying Yahoo Ads for estimated CPC, impressions, and clicks
147,2171ruby_graphA simple graph-library for ruby
147,2171chime-usps-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171xfabricatorGenerate file templates and add them to XCode project...
147,2171s3toolsSome simple commands to make working with S3 a bit easier.
147,2171xgemA very tiny shim that dramatically speeds up gem requires