Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154861-154880 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700knife-pkgA plugin for chef's knife to manage package updates
38,9700decidim-external_newsletterRemove the newsletter system from Decidim, to use an external form for newsletter regis...
38,9700decidim-only_formsComponent for create surveys with multiple answers'
38,9700fabychyRuby client for Facebook Bot API
38,9700binproxyA BinData-powered intercepting proxy for arbitrary TCP streams
38,9700blaze-css-railsBlaze CSS is the best CSS framework I have ever used. It is simple, small, and elegant....
38,9700makenaA collection of methods that make a standard MAKENABots Mobile App work.
38,9700fourtrackStore massive amounts of ordered log records into a single .gz file and replay them one...
38,9700enklawaSimple gem for extracting api information from enklawa.net
38,9700tutumProvides HTTP functionality wrapped in a nice ruby interface.
38,9700codescout-runnerNo description for now, maybe later
38,9700solr_liteA lightweight gem to connect to Solr and run queries. Requires no extra dependencies.
38,9700isis-plugin-complimentIsis plugin: Compliment
38,9700greipThe official Gem of Greip for Ruby.
38,9700capistrano_copyCapistrano scm:copy action
38,9700isis-plugin-computerhistoryIsis plugin: This Day in Computer History
38,9700yard-state_machineA YARD Plugin for state_machine integration. Automatically documents state_machine DSL ...
38,9700yamiYaml persisted config
38,9700http_archiveA library to interact with HTTP Archives (.har files)
38,9700jobserverJobserver serves to run programs on multiple machines in a network using ssh.