Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154901-154920 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910capistrano-chef-soloCapistrano tasks for chef-solo
151,8910andrewtimberlake-interactive_editorUse vim (or any other text editor) from inside irb to quickly test & write new code.
151,8910fizx-uberchronicLike chronic, plus GNU getdate to cover edge cases
151,8910capistrano-config-examplesCapistrano tasks for uploading example files containing sensitive data to your shared f...
151,8910active_record_snapshotFor data records that only need to be partially updated, this provides versioning for d...
151,8910fechellParse electronically filed FEC reports.
151,8910chef-irc-snitchAn exception handler for OpsCode Chef runs (GitHub Gists & IRC)
151,8910cookbook-developmentRally Software Development Corp cookbook development
151,8910cap-laravelCapistrano tasks for deploying Laravel apps at Architect.
151,8910cloudconnectCloud Connect backend
151,8910celluloid-websocketLets you make a websocket rack application using Celluloid.
151,8910existRuby client for the Exist life-tracking/correlation platform API (http://exist.io)
151,8910fde-mail_crawlerCrawls the mails in a IMAP Folder
151,8910cloudhdr_railsRuby wrapper for the CloudHdr Processing API
151,8910bgp4rBest way to play with BGP protocol using ruby
151,8910catarse_dineromailDineromail integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
151,8910dragonfly-imaginaryDragonfly plugin for Imaginary.
151,8910bio-exominerParse publications for gene names in a fuzzy fashion