Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155261-155280 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700gitlab_mobile_review_app_builderSome code to support mobile review apps in GitLab
38,9700petliA virtual pet that will live in your command line!
38,9700rbbrs24Experiment with submitting Ruby code from the browser to be executed on the server. Rec...
38,9700tazapayTazapay payments API ruby client
38,9700rubium-iosA Ruby library for driving your iOS automated tests using Appium
38,9700userapi-aiThis library provides a convenient way to interact with the Midjourney via API offered ...
38,9700mono-merchantThe "mono-merchant" gem simplifies Monobank payment integration in Ruby applications. I...
38,9700vagrant-unifyVagrant plugin to sync files between a local folder and a Vagrant machine via either Un...
38,9700simple_votableSimple vote count ability extracted to a module
38,9700cloud-templatesMVC-based templating framework for hierarchical data structures. It is created to fulfi...
38,9700rspec-html-formatterExtended html formator for rspec. It create seperate html file for each rspec test script.
38,9700ideal-paymentiDEALv3 payment gateway (see http://www.ideal.nl)
38,9700omniauth-eventfulAn Eventful OAuth 1.0 strategy for OmniAuth
38,9700middleman-portfolioA low-drama portfolio generator for your middleman site.
38,9700machine_learning_workbenchThis workbench holds a collection of machine learning methods in Ruby. Rather than spec...
38,9700spicerack-styleguideWanna write code the Freshly way? Inherit this gem in your rubocop.yml and keep your co...
38,9700qat-dbQAT-DB provides generic methods for connecting to and handling databases: - Quick c...
38,9700fetaFeta is a library to access FATE using the keeper API
38,9700omakaseComing soon
38,9700grindMicroframework for simple but extensible Ruby services.