Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155281-155300 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700md-railsMd-rails gives you an instant Markdown template handler thats compatible with Rails 3. ...
38,9700mongoid_paginateSimple pagination.
38,9700istca (very) small library for working with ISTC
38,9700generate_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
38,9700colignyA collection of methods and classes required to construct calendars in, and convert Gre...
38,9700jekyll-cayman-themeA Jekyll theme for the responsive theme for GitHub Pages http://jasonlong.github.io/cay...
38,9700rspec_database_helperSmall helper that helps organize definitions of FactoryBot.create methods in elegant way
38,9700gongrenA gem that's currently tied to Rails to distribute jobs.
38,9700uthmani_text_sizeAccurately counts the number of letters in a given Uthmani string.
38,9700omnifocus-bugzillaPlugin for omnifocus gem to provide bugzilla BTS synchronization. The first time this ...
38,9700my_string_extend_pankajprasunThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
38,9700cocoapods-vbbuildsourceA short description of cocoapods-vbbuildsource.
38,9700hola_jeremyjeA simple hello world gem
38,9700sqwishCompresses CSS.
38,9700compile_pdfIf you have multiple format files like Image files(Eg. .png, .jpg, .jpeg etc.), Documen...
38,9700bentley_mcilroyA compression scheme using the Bentley-McIlroy data compression technique of finding lo...
38,9700nametoemailGets a list of possible email addresses.
38,9700yandex_spellerA simple gem that allows to use the yandex speller service in Ruby
38,9700auth_clientAuth Client