Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155341-155360 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342chlorideA simple streaming NetSSH implementation
146,8342victor_view_toolgem for copyright method on webpage
146,8342webpacker-manifest_remotewebpacker extention to use remote webpacker url
146,8342bottle_rubyInteract with the Bottle API in ruby.
146,8342ember-seoEmber Seo helps you make you Ember app crawlable by Google.
146,8342celsiusCommon Library Search Interface
146,8342devise_suitableCreate and manage social referrals in Devise
146,8342webfontloaderWebFont Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via `@font-face`. It pro...
146,8342czech_names_vocativeVocative for Czech names
146,8342cloud_front_interative_invalidatorCreate and show CloudFront invalidations in interactive command
146,8342cloudwatch-senderGet metrics from Cloudwatch and send to Graphite/InfluxDB
146,8342cotacaoShow currency conversion.
146,8342asset_access_controlSet Access Control headers on asset requests in Rails 3.1
146,8342assefa_view_toolProvides HTML data for Rails applications
146,8342cryptocolThe simplest blockchain implementation
146,8342yjtoolyjtool command tool, Common tools
146,8342universe-railsgem install universe-rails
146,8342we5-browsercmsWeb Content Management in Rails.