Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155381-155400 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700estimated_countPerformant count estimates for Rails and PostgreSQL.
38,9700bquorning-test-gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
38,9700glitch-gameA terminal based Cookie Clicker style game.
38,9700guard-catalogAutomatic folder clean up with Catalog.
38,9700hiptailHipChat Integration (Add-on) Framework
38,9700ip2addressip -> address.
38,9700purescript-railsPureScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
38,9700rails2extsome useful extensions for rails 2 apps
38,9700reubenCI server with support for pipelines
38,9700pandorabotsjust use Pandorabots.talk(bot_id, input, cust_id). See http://www.pandorabots.com/botma...
38,9700multi_mailEasily switch between email APIs
38,9700knife-ghostAutomatically populates /etc/hosts with node domain names and IP addresses from Chef, r...
38,9700jekyll-theme-hydebetty"My Jekyll Theme
38,9700contact_formA simple contact form for a contact page.
38,9700tree_permuteGenerates an array of permutations without duplicates using a tree
38,9700database_cleaner-data_mapperStrategies for cleaning databases using DataMapper. Can be used to ensure a clean state...
38,9700un_fichier_apiProvide a simple way to use the 1Fichier API (https://1fichier.com/api.html).
38,9700ruby_ext_directAn attempt to implement Ext.Direct from Sencha
38,9700gondorlibraryGondor Libraray provides a framework to work with agent based computing, from game AIs,...
38,9700kwalletd5-wrapperA gem that provides access to as much of the kwalletd5 api as could be useful.