Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155361-155380 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700authoA many-stop shop for authentication.
38,9700syncronySyncrony is a set of distributed systems primitives built with Celluloid and Etcd.
38,9700file_logger_managerFileLoggerManager is a manager of FileLogger(s).
38,9700knife-bastionProtect your Chef server by restricting direct access to Chef HTTPS port to be only acc...
38,9700git-initInitialize git repositories in hierarchical strcuture in home dir.
38,9700sabayon_middlewareSimple Rack middleware for use with Sabayon.
38,9700upgrade_surveyorA rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application
38,9700blur-text_helperThis is a text helper-module for Blur scripts that will make it easier to do common tas...
38,9700keepasserBecause Dropbox is bad
38,9700upgrade_surveyor_guiA Rails gem to supply a front-end and reporting capability to the Surveyor gem.
38,9700campaign_monitor_privateA screen-scraper to retrieve vital information not available via the public API
38,9700rocksdb-ffiRocksDB for ruby using FFI
38,9700glosbeCan translated and provide definitions
38,9700rubocop-brands_insuranceCustom cops for BrandsInsurance
38,9700simple-hstsSimple way to add HSTS to Rails apps
38,9700gmagickGraphicsMagick C extension
38,9700ryanb-nifty-generatorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.
38,9700pay-billsEasy Command Line utility to open your bill websites
38,9700superjenn_temperature_check_gemConverts Celsius to Fahrenheit