Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155401-155420 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700blackopsGoing Dark!
38,9700object_loaderObjectLoader can load Ruby Objects containing methods and procs from Ruby files without...
38,9700pkulibMethods pertinent to calculating phenylalanine content in food and beverage.
38,9700outlook_importerNothing more to say
38,9700jquery_nice_file_input_railsjQuery-Nice-File-Input asset bundle for Rails
38,9700gemcompatNot all gem incompatibilities get reported in gemspecs. This project documents them so ...
38,9700raigen-railsRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation for Rails
38,9700gitlab-system-hooks-receiverProcess GitLab System hooks.
38,9700omniauth-naranya_idOmniauth provider for NaranyaID.
38,9700tablegenplain text table generator
38,9700argspecRSpec style(ish) checks for arguments
38,9700studio_game_aanonymoususeroninternetThis is a gem created as part of Pragmatic studio Ruby course
38,9700timetrap-harvesttimetrap-harvest bridges the gap between your entries in Timetrap and your project ...
38,9700arkenRuby orchestration framework for HashiCorp based deployment pipelines.
38,9700apihub-ballerScore email addresses
38,9700samg-timetrapCommand line time tracker
38,9700sayisal_captcha0-9 arası sayıları kullanarak random olarak 2 sayı seçer ve yine random olarak toplama ...
38,9700cuculungwaCucumber based framework for purpose of automated tests
38,9700machinereadingRuby gem for interaction with Damantic's MachineReading APIs