Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155741-155760 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380usedbyusedby is a command line tool to discover all dependents of ruby gems across a github o...
129,5380brvsClient library for Brvs, an open source URL shortener and branded link management appli...
129,5380cuttlefishTools for Grouper's Cuttlefish contest
129,5380yargYet Another Ruby Generator: Customize existing project generators to fit your personality.
129,5380callable_symbolCallable symbol - is an extension that makes it possible to pass arguments to block cre...
129,5380dart-railsDelivers .dart directly to Dartium-browser and compiles via ruby-dart2js for others as ...
129,5380vagrant-groupPlugin allows to create groups of hosts and perform basic commands on them.
129,5380emailyA library to send template to multiple emails.
129,5380endorsterEndorster API wrapper
129,5380cohort_scopeProvides big_cohort, which widens by finding the characteristic that eliminates the mos...
129,5380altadataALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications writ...
129,5380capybara-async_runnerGem for running ascynrhonous jobs in Capybara.
129,5380dkdeploy-test_environmenttest infrastructure for dkdeploy
129,5380wip-cliA simple gem to manage wip.co todos from the command line.
129,5380express_scripts_apiExpressScripts API
129,5380deepsecurityTrend Micro DeepSecurity Wrapper
129,5380alf-shellThis project implements the `alf` commandline tool.
129,5380votifierThis allows you to accept Votifier connections OR send them to a Minecraft Server.
129,5380enigma_engineThe inner working of an enigma machine has three rotors. Each rotors has wrapped around...