Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155761-155780 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342userappUser management and authentication for your Ruby app.
146,8342colorpressVisualize arbitrary files as PNG images
146,8342dcparker-time_pointA parser for definitions of recurring events in natural English.
146,8342diabible-parserDiabible docx parser with json output
146,8342cis196fall2016demoThis is a demo for CIS 196 Fall 2016
146,8342winterfellAllows your ruby code to know whether the winter is coming or not?
146,8342vat_idVAT Identification Number validation
146,8342yurlAn application to query data from a YAML file trying to mirror curl functionality
146,8342cute_alert_railsThe cute_alert_rails gives you ability to avoid routine copying javascripts or writing ...
146,8342webget-current_usercurrent_user: get and set a user in a rails app session
146,8342vaulted_billing-termcapMethods specific to gateways that use terminal capture.
146,8342zhima芝麻信用 非官方ruby sdk
146,8342dnks_clustering_indexesGem to calculate clustering indexes
146,8342ckb-sluggableExperimental: This gem gives you the ability to create clean, unique slugs for Rails mo...
146,8342azimuthSimple Ruby wrapper for the MapQuest Direction API.
146,8342words_with_jaredThis is an example gem.
146,8342dinsley-feedzirraA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...
146,8342weppos-tabs_on_railsTabsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing Tabs. It pro...
146,8342deckrDeckr is a utility for deck.js. - Generate a Sinatra application for deck.js. - Easy t...
146,8342darwinningDarwinning provides tools to build genetic algorithm solutions using a Gene, Organism, ...