Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180541-180560 of all 180,689 gems.
179,4810rucop-rubomatic-railsShared rails rubocop config for BrandsInsurance
179,4810git-tableflipSometimes you just get frustrated with Git and you need to blow off a little steam.
179,4810jruby-profiler-flame_graph_profile_printerFlameGraph profiler for JRuby
179,4810jdbc-openedge-internalUsed by jdbc-openedge gem internally
179,4810did_csv_builderCSV template Rails plugin
179,4810google-protocProtocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.
179,4810dougjohnston-devise_invitableIt adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...
179,4810iudex-http-testIudex is a general purpose web crawler and feed processor in ruby/java. The iudex-http-...
179,4810rubyletJava Servlet implementation that forwards to Rack application
179,4810ory-client-clientDocumentation for all public and administrative Ory APIs. Administrative APIs can only ...
179,4810please-command-alias-managerUse please to manage complex aliases and other repeatedely used terminal commands. plea...
179,4810embulk-input-adebisLoads records from AD EBiS.
179,4810envelopeA Rails engine for managing application configuration that includes a backend and allow...
179,4810ktlktl is a tool that attempts to make it easier to manage Kafka clu...
179,4810omeletteOmelette is a Ruby gem that uses the Omeka API to import data. It has a DSL and can be ...
179,4810factory-girl-matchersMaking easy to validate your factories created with Factory Girl
179,4810provisioningOpen PaaS provisioning on cloud providers from JSON manifest file
179,4810evrone-ci-routerci router
179,4810jekyll-uppercase-keywordsReusable Jekyll Filter Plugin.
179,4810get_backEasy Background Jobs for JRuby