Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156141-156160 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380masteryi am waiting to upload this
89,5380qc-mailerRails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and QueueClassic.
89,5380pingrA simple gem for pinging search engines with your XML sitemap
89,5380onlyOnly makes writing route constraints for Rails 3+ applications easier by providing a si...
89,5380porteraGroup event coordination
89,5380sadieSadie is a data framework intended to ease the pain of managing related data.
89,5380laag-libczmqLibrary as a Gem - libczmq
89,5380insta_swagInstaSwag provides lighting-fast, dynamically generated [swagger-documentation](https:/...
89,5380termtableTable generator for the terminal
89,5380torquebox-configureTorqueBox Configure Gem
89,5380nemesis-plugin-testgemA simple test gem
89,5380omniauth-tudou-oauth2OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for tudou.com.
89,5380mysql-heartbeatQueries the replication health of a MySQL server. A health monitor for MySQL replic...
89,5380jmonkeyengine-testdataAdd jMonkeyEngine test data like the ninja, oto, some sounds and backgrounds
89,5380share-counterCheck how many times a URL has been shared on social networks and aggregators
89,5380neonichu-asciiartA command line tool to turn images into ASCII art
89,5380de_rjsde-RJS your application
89,5380ngenxThe nginx is most powerful web server ever before, this tool helps you generate nginx c...
89,5380influxInfluxDB Flux queries builder for Ruby