Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156221-156240 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300metacrunch-dbDatabase package for the metacrunch ETL toolkit.
85,4300merge_reviewerGem that simplifies the process of getting complexity and duplication for a single file.
85,4300huntrA simple reconnaissance command-line application.
85,4300rubygems-keychainStore your rubygems credentials and signing certificate in macOS keychain
85,4300excomFlexible and highly extensible Services for business logic organization
85,4300seed_managerCurrent Status: Working on Design to be implemented
85,4300dotfilerCLI gem for managing dotfiles
85,4300jainaSimple programming language builder inspired by interpreter pattern. You can build your...
85,4300rack-php-sessionExposes a PHP Session (read-only) to Rack applications
85,4300jolox_view_toolProvides generated HTML for Rails applications.
85,4300shift_subtitlesShift Subtitles - Ruby Learning Challenge #1
85,4300jira4r-19Ruby hooks for the JIRA API
85,4300jsmetric4javaCyclometric complexity analyser for Javascript
85,4300filter_factoryGem for easy ActiveRecord/Mongoid models filtering
85,4300sluggifyIt create a slug for your models
85,4300rl_hiya_santos_rafaelDefines a class Hiya and a method to greet everyone!
85,4300htmle*Experimental gem under development* Htmle (HTML + Domle) is an implementation of an HT...
85,4300react-plotly-railsReact-Plotly gem
85,4300keyboxA set of command line applications and ruby libraries for secure password storage and p...