Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156161-156180 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772content_focusThis is a little gem that allows you to input raw HTML and extract the most relevant pi...
136,3772rack-ponyRack Middleware to add an ASCII Pony to the X-Pony-For-You header.
136,3772poutineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,3772ohm-stateful-modelIntegrate state machines (from the state_machine gem) into your Ohm models.
136,3772certutilA tool for decoding and analyzing SSL certificates.
136,3772jgdavey-formtasticA Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup
136,3772webstalkerauto tag social people
136,3772cmoran92-activerecord-jdbcmssql-adapterInstall this gem to use MS-SQL with JRuby on Rails.
136,3772date_iteratoriterate by day, week, or month on the date class
136,3772radiant-sns_page_hook-extensionAllows you to use page radius tags in stylesheets and javascripts from the SNS extension.
136,3772fifoQueueing library in Ruby built on top of Amazon SQS(Simple Queue Service) for processin...
136,3772rails_admin-lbgrahamRailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...
136,3772capistrano-faster-assets-and-packsSpeeds up asset compilation by skipping the assets:precompile task if none of the asset...
136,3772neat_bourbon_railsThe Waterfall standard UI.
136,3772set_parserWith this gem you will can parse text file easily, input a txt file and output a format...
136,3772cloudbootcloudboot is the missing glue between your bare bone ec2 instance and a configuration m...
136,3772carmen_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
136,3772rspec-active_model_serializersSimple testing of ActiveModelSerializers via a collection of matchers.
136,3772magnumMagnum is a library of classes for building .NET applications
136,3772jgillick-ruby-serialgpsRead NMEA data from standard serial GPS modules and provides the data as a hash.