Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156441-156460 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380trackedLogging states of your Rails models.
69,2380logstash-input-omadaPoll Omada API for clients, devices, and statistics.
69,2380omniauth-xingXING strategy for OmniAuth.
69,2380rally-jasmineTest your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a...
69,2380facebook_test_usersTest users are extremely handy for testing your Facebook applications. This gem lets yo...
69,2380railinesCompose popular rails terminal commands in wizard-like mode.
69,2380logrithmSome improvements to standard logger, such as detailed colored logger messages etc.
69,2380scateu.me-jekyll-themejekyll theme of scateu.me
69,2380red-arrow-activerecordA library that provides conversion method between Apache Arrow and ActiveRecord
69,2380iso-countryA standard way of handling country data
69,2380saml-kit-cliA command line interface for saml-kit.
69,2380jsvd-sequel_vectorizedThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
69,2380split_routesSplit Routes to More Files
69,2380rails_api_modelA better way to do RESTful APIs in Rails
69,2380jtpopol-merb_openidA Merb plugin for consuming OpenID
69,2380rabx-messageA RPC using Anything But XML (RABX) message parser and emitter
69,2380valdemaximus-xxExtensions of standard ruby objects
69,2380rspec_enhanced_json_formatterEnhanced JSON formatter for RSpec
69,2380skipjackA collection of Rake commands for compiling .NET code wihtout dependency to project fil...