Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156361-156380 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300lstrip-on-steroidsSane indent-aware multiline strings
85,4300ruboty-can_i_borrowLogging lending record and check lending status
85,4300embulk-input-slack_channel_messagesLoads slack channel messages using slack API.
85,4300red-apiGenerate API service and endpoints for API consumption
85,4300smoothcodeRuby client to interact with SmoothCode
85,4300rpsalvinRPS game
85,4300fias_parserParse and install FIAS database
85,4300hold_the_doorHold the door or Die!
85,4300json_factoryJsonFactory is a easy DSL to create JSON structures with a development focus on perform...
85,4300nutrientesGema para la asignatura de LPP
85,4300react_rubyA React(react.js) template engine for ruby
85,4300sps-ftpd-driverUses the ftpd gem to publish a SimplePubSub notice whenever a file is uploaded.
85,4300extra_sanitizeExtra sanitize your database columns
85,4300kemen-ruby-odbcFork of ruby-odbc-0.99994 - ODBC binding for Ruby
85,4300tatooineA Ruby interface to SWAPI (the Star Wars API). http://swapi.co/
85,4300middleman-amazon-linkhelprs provided such as amazon(asin, :detail)
85,4300geo_coderGeocode a text address.
85,4300runtexrunTeX - Translate (La)TeX-files as often as needed. The further development for this g...
85,4300event_utilsprovides various facilities to help building tools on top of eventmachine
85,4300rubenRuben is an IRC chat bot written in Ruby. He is inspired, in part, by Hubot, his Coffee...