Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156401-156420 of all 180,459 gems.
132,0350omniauth-sinaOmniAuth strategy for Sina
132,0350finaltesthjhjSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
132,0350nofxx-rtuiSet of tools for TUI Eye Candy
132,0350michiel-meyfroodt-thermostat-exerciseA gem for the thermostat
132,0350indirect-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
132,0350rails-skeletonJumpstart new rails projects by cloning existing skeleton projects
132,0350detroit-syntaxRuby syntax checker plugin for Detroit build system.
132,0350likesGive it a list of people and their likings and it will tell what else could these peopl...
132,0350scaleTeacherplease tell me the major scales on the guitar.
132,0350billing_logicThere are only a few way to calculate prorations & manage recurring payments.
132,0350ilogProviding a digital log implementation of traditional paper baed logs.
132,0350bfi_player_searchBuilt with some wonky page scraping
132,0350css-lintCSS linter for the modern day developer
132,0350mac-robotA Library to Automate User Interactions
132,0350fb_graph_railsA (really) simple gem around fb_graph for canvas authentication in Facebook
132,0350lisausa-knife-sshconfigThis is a plugin for Knife that helps grab all nodes within the LISA cloud and presents...
132,0350startback-apiApi variant of startback
132,0350cprCPR - Cross Platform Ruby library
132,0350hicubeSimple CMS
132,0350http_event_storeHttpEventStore is a HTTP connector to the Greg's Event Store.