Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156481-156500 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342consul-rbConsul HTTP Client Ruby Library
146,8342deploymlDeploYML is a simple deployment solution that uses a single YAML file, Git and SSH.
146,8342vericred_clientAutogenerated Ruby client for the Vericred API
146,8342voteable_wwmTest gem
146,8342tw-studios-jruby-profA Ruby level profiler for JRuby
146,8342buoyancyA Ruby gem for getting data from the NDBC (National Data Buoy Center)
146,8342best_practice_projectA bundle of various linters and code inspection tools
146,8342wit-rubyA simple library for interacting with wit.ai -- will expand as the api does
146,8342view_driverHelps dry up Rails-views using sublayouts and sections
146,8342unimedia_ip_checkerIp check then block or allow
146,8342expressionistSafely make queries against tree data structure with ability to serialize queries for l...
146,8342verifiable_viewEasier way to mantain Database Views with ActiveRecord
146,8342consolorA set of functions for coloring string in console
146,8342dibs_hmacAn implementation of DIBS Message authentication code. Has correct sorting and rules fo...
146,8342virgil-sdkVirgil keys service SDK
146,8342chiveBlog plugin for Rails
146,8342daviesinc_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
146,8342code2gistParse text files (markdown/textile/whatever) for code blocks and gist them
146,8342wiseml-rubyRuby implementation of WiseML