Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156581-156600 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700casicaCasica API Ruby Wrapper
38,9700nbpplProvides simple API client to fetch exchange rate to PLN for selected currency and date...
38,9700backyardbackyard allows you to name the models in your cucumber scenarios.
38,9700taskitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700tyboCustom admin engine for Ruby on Rails working with generators
38,9700pdscan_rbRuby gem wrapper around PDSCAN library. This only acts as a simple method to call pdsca...
38,9700jekyll_generatorA nice generator for a Jekyll website including Disqus comments integration. Probably t...
38,9700awesome_chatgpt_actorsWith Awesome Chatgpt Actors you can easily build an actor context for your chatbot
38,9700http-mock-serverA Ruby HTTP Mock Server based on Sinatra
38,9700bootstrap_paginationBootstrap button pagination for ruby on rails, to be used with will_paginate
38,9700lexical_analyzerThe RCTP configurable lexical analyser.
38,9700card_number_validatorRuby library to validate payment card numbers
38,9700odania_plutusThe plutus plugin provides a complete double entry accounting system for use in any Rub...
38,9700gastarA generic A* implementation
38,9700injective_mapLike Hash, but performs mappings both ways.
38,9700selenium_interaction_statisticscreates a summary of selenium clicks and send keys when the driver is closed
38,9700ci-cachecache files in an ephemeral continuous integration environment
38,9700hummer-clientClient for Hummer server
38,9700tpitale-simplest_authSimple implementation of authentication for Rails
38,9700omniauth-concur-oauth2OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with Concur's OAuth2 API